A long term recovery group (LTRG) is a cooperative body that is made up of representatives from faith-based, non-profit, government, business and other organizations working within a community to assist individuals and families as they recover from disaster.
LTRGs are as varied in their structure as are the communities in which they work. The personality and operation of each group is unique and reflects local needs, available resources, cultural diversity, leadership style, and community support. No matter how a group is structured or what it calls itself the goal is the same: to unite recovery resources with community needs in order to ensure that even the most vulnerable in the community recover from disaster.
Below are active LTRGs that are responding to events in their communities.
Breathitt County
Working on meeting community needs in Breathitt County in response to flooding in July 2022
- Co-chairs of LTRT
- Phil Swartzentruber
- Jamie Mullins-Smith
- Email: Jamie.Smith@KRCCNET.COM
- Visit their Facebook page for more information! https://m.facebook.com/Breathitt-Co-Long-Term-RecoveryPlanning-Team-102434172096862
Bowling Green-Warren County
Working to address long-term recovery needs, currently addressing needs created by the Dec 10-11 Western KY tornadoes in the Bowling Green and Warren County area.
- LTRGs Point of Contacts:
- Chairperson: Brent Childers
- Vice Chair: Melanie Watts
- Secretary: Tonya Taylor
- Treasurer: Dr. Kim Myers
- At-Large Member: Mike Moseley
- Reach out to the Bowling Green-Warren County LTRG: BGWCLTRG@outlook.com
Caldwell County
Working to respond to community needs from the Tornadoes and Severe Storms in December 2021
- Meetings – 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 11am at Southside Baptist Church Christian Life Center
- 205 Nichols Street, Princeton, KY
- LTRGs Point of Contact:
- Coordinator: Bethany Jahnke
- Phone: 270-681-2011
- Email: Caldwellltrg@gmail.com
- Chair: Kota Young
- Vice Chair: Larry Curling
- Secretary: Stacey Menser
- Email: CaldwellCountyEOC@gmail.com
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Dylan McGowan – Crossroads Mission
- Email: dylan@crossroadsmissions.com
- Phone: 270-625-2407
- Dylan McGowan – Crossroads Mission
- Coordinator: Bethany Jahnke
- Stay up to date on the work happening by following their facebook page!
- Website: www.CaldwellStrong.org
Floyd County
Working on meeting community needs in response to flooding in July 2022
- LTRGs Point of Contact:
- Co-Chair: Jill Stafford
- Phone: 606-887-3058
- Email: jstafford@chrisapp.org
- Co-Chair: Missy Allen
- Phone: 606-791-7837
- Email: missy.allen@floydjudge.com
- Additional Points of Contact for LTRG
- Jimmy Owsley
- Phone: 606-872-1863
- Email: jimmy@mtassociation.org
- Kathy Allen
- Phone: 606-214-3977
- Email: kathy@appalachianky.org
- Jimmy Owsley
- Co-Chair: Jill Stafford
- Host meetings on Monday afternoons at 2:30pm; location TBD
Fulton County
Working to respond to community needs from the Tornadoes and Severe Storms in December 2021
- LTRGs Point of Contact:
- Chair: Mark Dowdy
- Phone: 731-514-7057
- Email: msdowdy4@gmail.com
- Secretary: Barbara Atwill
- Treasurer: Missy Harrison
- Chair: Mark Dowdy
- If you need help reach out to Jim Martin
- Phone: 270-559-0192
- If you want to get involved please reach out to Mark Dowdy
- Host meetings on Wednesdays at 3pm
- Facebook Cayce Recovery: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1124608688365817/
Graves County
Working to respond to community needs from the Tornadoes and Severe Storms in December 2021
- LTRGs Point of Contact:
- Al Chandler
- Email: al.chandler@northsidefamily.org
- Al Chandler
- Offering help contact Allen Davidson
- Email: allen@cfbc.tv
- If you need help
- EMA Hotline: 270-727-5114
Hickman County
Working to respond to community needs from the Tornadoes and Severe Storms in December 2021
- LTRGs Point of Contact:
- Chair: Leanna Wilkerson
- Email: leannawilkerson12@gmail.com
- Tom Dickson
- thomas.dickson@leo.gov
- Chair: Leanna Wilkerson
- Offering help reach out to Ashton Modglin
- ashton.modglin59@yahoo.com
Hopkins County
Working to respond to community needs from the Tornadoes and Severe Storms in December 2021
- LTRGs Point of Contact:
- Co-Chair: Heath Duncan
- Email: hduncan@pennyrilehabitat.org
- Phone: 270-870-8508
- Co-Chair: Mike Duncan
- Administrative Coordinator: Melinda Grace
- Email: mgraceltrg@gmail.com
- Phone: 270-896-7908
- Volunteer Coordinator: Jesse Breedlove
- Email: jbreedlove@hopkinscounty.net
- Phone: 270-836-8040
- Volunteer Housing Coordinators:
- Ken Hundley – First United Methodist Church
- Email: ken@m1umc.org
- Phone: 270-841-7682
- Sean and Kari McCance – First Presbyterian Church
- Email: sandkmccance@gmail.com
- Phone: 270-339-1883
- Ken Hundley – First United Methodist Church
- Co-Chair: Heath Duncan
- Meetings occur on the first Tuesday of each month 6pm at Dunn Baptist Church 4855 Charleston Rd. Dawson Springs, KY 42408
- Facebook: Hopkins County Long Term Recovery Committee
- #hopkinsltrg
Knott County
Working on meeting community needs in response to flooding in July 2022
- LTRGs Point of Contact:
- Chair: Glenda Shrum
- Email: glendas0758@gmail.com
- Phone: 606-497-6287
- Tawny Acker
- Phone: 606-438-9038
- Chair: Glenda Shrum
- If you need help reach out to Case Manager Chair Heather Smith
- Phone: 606-497-5178
- Meetings happen weekly on Thursdays at 6pm with rotating sites
- Facebook: https://ne-np.facebook.com/people/Knott-County-Long-Term-Disaster-Recovery-Group/100085618836687/
- Website: https://www.knottcountyrising.org/
Letcher County
Working on meeting community needs in Letcher County in response to flooding in July 2022
- Chair
- Ellen Wright
- Email: ewright@arh.org
- Ellen Wright
- Initial Case Management:
- Kim Miles
- Phone: 606-422-7057
- Kim Miles
- Disaster Case Management:
- LKLP Albert Smith
- Phone: 606-633-4458
- Meetings every other Wednesday at 4:30pm at Whitesburg ARH Hospital, Caizzi Meeting Room
Marshall County
Working to address long-term recovery needs, currently addressing needs created by the Dec 10-11 Western KY tornadoes.
- Mailing Address:
- LTRGs Point of Contacts:
- Chairperson/Coordinator: Mark Sickling
- Email: marshallcountyrecovery@mhamilton
- Phone: 270-983-0345
- Vice-Chair: Catherine Fuller
- Email: Cfuller@klaid.org
- Treasurer: Tom Trenkle
- Email: tatsails@gmail.com
- Secretary: David Green
- Wordman27@hotmail.com
- Chairperson/Coordinator: Mark Sickling
- Meeting Schedule: Monday at 4:00pm at the Marshall County 911 Center; 23 Homer Lucas Ln, Benton KY
- If you need help/services reach out to Sally Moore (Case Management)
- Email: sallymoore7208@mhamilton
- Phone: 270-519-7208
- If you want to help and get involved contact Brad Walker
- Email: brakwalker99@hotmail.com
- Visit the Marshall County LTRG Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/Marshall-County-Long-Term-Recovery-Group-110398954972121
Ohio County
Working to address long-term recovery needs, currently addressing needs created by the Dec 10-11 Western KY tornadoes.
- Mailing Address:
- LTRGs Point of Contacts:
- Chairperson/Coordinator: Matthew Sickling
- Email: OhioCountyBaptist@gmail.com
- Steve Flener
- Phone: 270-256-6950
- Chairperson/Coordinator: Matthew Sickling
- Meetings every Thursday at 6pm @ Ridgecrest Baptist Church, Beaver Dam, KY
- If you need help/services reach out to Matthew Sickling
- If you can offer help and/or are interested in getting involved please reach out to Matthew Sickling
- Ohio County LTR Facebook
Perry County
Working on meeting community needs in response to flooding in July 2022
- LTRGs Point of Contacts:
- Co-Chair: Sam Stacy
- Phone: 606-438-1259
- Email: sam.stacy@hotmail.com
- Co-Chair: Lori Helfrich
- Phone: 606-233-3012
- Email: lhelfrich@cdlex.org
- Admin Assistance: Bailey Richards
- Phone: 513-312-8631
- Co-Chair: Sam Stacy
- Meetings currently on Thursdays at 6pm at LKLP Job Site
- If you can offer help and/or are interested in getting involved please reach out to Ben Braman (Volunteer Committee Chair)
- Phone: 404-465-8397
- Email: bmkbraman@gmail.com
Pike County
Working on meeting community needs in response to flooding in July 2022
- LTRGs Point of Contacts:
- Co-Chair: Sandy Penix
- Phone: 606-477-0383
- Email: sandy@thebenefitsfirm.com
- Co-Chair: Randy Johnson
- Phone: 606-794-8463
- Email: holysmoke367@gmail.com
- Co-Chair: Sandy Penix
- Meetings on Mondays at 12:00pm noon
If you have information that you would like added to this page, please email kentuckyvoad@gmail.com.