Carlisle, Kentucky Flooding – July 29, 2021
KYVOAD is monitoring the flooding event that occurred overnight on July 29, 2021. Several partner organizations are en route and we will update as necessary.
07/30/2021 @ 2100 hours est – Reports indicate 43 homes with major damage and 15 with minor damage. Crisis Cleanup has been activated for residents in the city of Carlisle, Kentucky (859-904-9220). UMCOR, LDS, Red Cross, and Kentucky Baptist have reps in the area. Please contact Jim Garrett or Patrick Montague for POC’s and coordination needs.
08/03/2021 @ 1300 hours est – KYVOAD will be having a state-wide Coordinating Call regarding the flood event in Carlisle, KY on Friday, August 6, 2021, @ 11 am est. KYVOAD has several organizations on the ground currently and we look forward to hearing updates and sitreps. If, your organization plans to or is assisting please attend the coordinating call